Can you be an individual in a pack?


In a room to loud,

I have been thinking about how I like to handle things,

living with other people, new people has throw of my internal balance,

where are my hours of pondering? where are my long walks?

I have had a moment to think of it all and have decided to make the most of my time,

I like long walks, I like doing solo activities, it not so much about sadness or anything like that,

I just need uninterrupted steam of consciousnesses to flow though me, to ground me to think it all though in my head, make the move when I am ready.

image unknown

Clear room, clear mind!

My partner’s mother is a hoarder, neatly collecting piles on piles of books stacked so high that the house was unlivable. I see the problem, the books need to go.

So we decided to go to the house and clear out the books. I was fine with the process, load the books into the car, take them to the nearest op-shop for donation.

Although my partner on the other hand was having an emotional time, as she had enabled her mother to get that bad that she no longer could live at her house and had to go live at her sons place. So basically there is a house, that is not a house right now, it is an organised-clutter. And it is effecting my partner’s mother and my partner.

Today we got rid of three car loads. When we got back to the house we felt a sense of accomplishment. The daunting fog of books had cleared a little, just a little.

In sex we find what we can’t in our day.

Title: We all wear the dress

I like to be fingered through my summer dresses, the feel of that thin fabric on my skin. I like a man who cross-dresses, we can both put on lipstick and fuck. I want to lift up his skirt and suck his cock. So big and thick with compared to that tiny skirt. I think that is how woman can look so great clothed, the small outfits accentuating their tits, arse and hips. And men I think should so the same, a sunny hat, and a summery dress.

Title: Wanting more

Cute girl I am, sitting on a dick

I wish you had more legs to lick and body parts to sit on,

To slide into me and hide in my dark places,

The sun is shining, my little hole is tiny,

But the feeling is so large,

Cum on my face, that bad taste,

I will lick it all up,

You are my god, and thanks for the fuck.

Title: vanilla

What goes up, must  come down,

I am dominant, you are a sub,

You arse must go up, so I can come down on you,

Its physics, physical forces working together,

Find the opposing forces in you and me.

Title: freckle on her chest

I head into this small town,

I look hard at it all, the many lives that must have lived here,

But gone and lost, nowhere to be found,

I talk to you behind the counter,

I don’t know why I stopped here but I am glad I found her,

After work, you lead me to a place to stay, take care of me, in your nurturing way,

You stroke my cock eyes on me, you know how to care, you know what to do,

You open your shirt, breast in a white bra,

It’s a the rusted hinge, tears within,

A memory had, sun on my hat, but the day doesn’t warm my heavy heart,

Close to you, under the fabric, your freckled skin,

I smile here, crowded in despair

sexy sundays

Title:  stress and sex buildup

Not thinking straight, have a wank. My need for sex is sometimes shows itself im many differernt forms I knew there was a reason why I did not want to leave my aapartment just yet. Regardless how nice of a day it is outside. All the booze and sextual tention from last nights party was still there at the back of my mind. And I let it go unnoticed. But it was there eating at me, wanting to be released. I could not unsterstand why, I was so stressed over nothing, and could not focus on any task at hand. The sex drive was taking hold.

My heart is open to you

I had a revelation today, there is only you and me in this word. Me and you with your many personalities and faces and millions of lives each one a choice of yours that I have to respect, envy, hate, and condemn.

from that I think I can open my heart more to love everyone as though I am loving you. To let them in, because wherever I am and whomever I am with I will be with you.

Your heart there and mine beside you.