Small steps in the right direction

Small steps in the right direction,

not comparing myself to anyone else,

only comparing myself to what I achieved the day before,

clean clothes, buttoned up, nicely dressed, combed hair, ironed shirt,

Clean desk, clear direction,

Knowing my distractions and avoiding them,

small steps in the right direction,


I will, I can, I want to, I am excited,

I will, I can, I want to, I am excited,

I will, I can, I want to, I am excited,

I will, I can, I want to, I am excited,

Small steps in the right direction.

Love letter from afar.

You wrote to me, I got your message,

confessing your love for me, your lust for me,

We were only friends when you lived close,

and stayed in touch when you moved back home across the sea,

Now you love me, but live so far away,

Its nice to write, and I will write to you again,

but for now, love is just too far away.

what I am grateful for today

  1. that the day is almost over
  2. I don’t know how to answer this text, but I know it doesn’t matter 🙂
  3. That the black rings under my eyes are fading.
  4. That my job is exciting
  5. that I get to work with happy proactive people.
  6. That my room is how I like it
  7. how long my hair has grown 🙂

Pokemon go!

are you hooked on the game? have you heard of it? hate it? or is this news to you?

either way it is happening and it is big, big enough to wake up this sleepy town and have people walking in search of pokemons to collect!

I like it, some same the game is basic, but I like that people go out in small groups with friends, parents with their children. Even in the middle of winter to walk. At this point in time, the fact that more people are outside being social brings a smile to my face and warm happy feelings right in the middle of winter.

what are your thoughts about Pokemon go?

always smiling,


“She had Angels wings upon her back” — johncoyote

She had Angels wings upon her back Her long auburn hair rolled down her long slender back. The tattoos Angel awoke secret dreams and nightmares. Her tattoos rolled down from soft neck to tender calves and feet. She was a dancer and she was loved and appreciated. She was dancing to Bob Seger song […]

via “She had Angels wings upon her back” — johncoyote

Reblogs — Cristian Mihai

Hi guys, Advertising opportunities available on my e-store. Reblog – $14.99 – Do you have a blog? Have you written a piece you’d want everyone to read? Now you can have your content reblogged to an audience of over 114, 300. You can purchase here. Two Reblogs – $20 – Two reblogs. You can use them […]

via Reblogs — Cristian Mihai