Dumped via email, kinda hurts

Dear (me),
I hope that you had a safe trip home. I am very glad that you came all the way over my way to meet me.
I have been swimming in thoughts all day, I was feeling strange this morning and perhaps I seemed out of sorts.
There is no easy way for me to say this, and I am truly sorry that I will hurt your feelings, however I must be honest and true to myself. I felt as though meeting you was a good experience, I enjoyed your company and it was really nice to spend the night with you, but the thing is, I didn’t feel the spark that I was hoping for, I’m not sure why or what it is but I must trust my instincts and believe that I will make the right decisions. I feel strongly that we are not destined to continue a friendship from this point on. I have really enjoyed our emails and the process has really helped me to understand a lot about myself.
I want to suggest friendship but I do not think that is a good idea, it has gone too far now for that. I think that you are a very interesting person who has a lot of light. I wish you the best for the future and I am, again, sorry that I say what I say.
From, you

13 thoughts on “Dumped via email, kinda hurts

  1. *hug* That is terrible. You certainly deserve more than to be told the anticipated spark wasn’t there. I’m sorry you were hurt this way. Sometimes people suck.


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